Monday, September 10, 2012

Missing vs. Missing Out

While discussing Ashland over the weekend, I stated that I hadn't realized how much I was going to miss by being here.  I decided to student teach in the fall rather than the spring to avoid missing those unforgettable senior moments, but what I hadn't thought about was the events and experiences that only occur during the fall, of which I won't be able to go to this year, and likely ever again.  The soccer, football, and volleyball games I've always gone to, Homecoming weekend, team bonding, and so many more. 

But while I was thinking about all of this, a friend questioned whether I was missing these things, or missing out on these things.  In other words, was I actually upset about not being there for those events and experiences, or was I just thinking about all of the things I can't go to, even if they really don't mean that much to me.  This was a complete eye-opener.  Sure I am missing out on going to those games or having those experiences, but the only things I seem to truly be missing are the people back in Ohio and the experiences that those events allow me to create with those people. 

This morning I was struggling a lot with this, but throughout the day, it became obvious how miniscule those events are compared to the opportunities I have here.  I have met so many amazing people here and have already learned things I probably never would have had I stayed in Ohio.  I still miss my family and friends in Ohio, but I would never trade those events that I'm missing out on for the experiences I have had, can have, and will have here.

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